Our Team
"Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life." – Amy Poehler
A Message from our President & Executive Director
I am thrilled to assume the position of Board President for the 2024- 2026 term.
The Brighten Group continues its mission of supporting comfort programs and initiatives for our Patients, Visitors & Hospital Staff through profits earned at our Retail Shops located at the Hospital.
While there have been a few years of very challenging operating conditions due to Covid negatively effecting our profits, we are on the road to recovery with increased sales volumes beginning to return.
I encourage you to visit our shops. Enjoy a break from a stressful day by browsing our beautiful merchandise. Perhaps its a quick stop for everyday essentials. Maybe you need a sweet fix or a fresh salad or sandwich for lunch.
Every purchase at our shops enables the continuation of our comfort programs. Details which can be seen on our Comfort Program Page .
Hello Friends,
The year 2023-2024 was another difficult chapter in our organization’s history. While Covid restrictions were lifted, hospital traffic remained modest thus affecting our retail business.
Despite this, we were able to keep our operations open through a lot of hard work, perseverance and creative thinking. I am incredibly grateful to our Board of Directors, in particular, our Executive Committee, as well as my team who have remained committed to our success.
While we were unable to do all that we had set out to, we stayed true to our mission and mandate to serve the Patients, Families and Staff at the Saint John Regional Hospital.
I look forward to Brighter days ahead and continuing the work that we are so passionate about….Patient Comfort and Care.
Click here to contact Trudy.
Executive Board of Directors
Trudy Lace - Executive Director, Kelly Langille - President, Vacant - Vice-President, Carol Hamilton - Secretary, Sheena Vandenbroeck - Treasurer, Judie Domokos- Past President, Renee Archibald - Director, Leanne Clayton- Director, Genevieve Crowell - Director, Stephanie Culliton - Director, Kathy Grant - Director, Robyn MacMackin - Director.